Blaze Makoid Architecture-Old Orchard

Old Orchard


Old Orchard


The new owners of this 10,000 square foot modern spec house spent a year in their new home in an effort to better understand their current and future needs as their family grows and transitions into spending more time in this second home.

The original structure was configured as a linear, single story, glass and metal box with grade carved down to basement level at both ends.  This provided below-grade access to a garage at one end and a small courtyard for two lower level bedrooms at the other.

The intervention addresses a series of programmatic issues with architectural moments that clearly read as their own ‘family’.  The language of simple wood and glass elements offers a recognizable contrast to the aluminum skin of the existing building and begins to warm the material palette.  

The first wood ‘tube’ bisects the main structure, creating an entry plinth a few steps above the existing floor and setting up a visual alignment with a new pool house structure across the property.  The second and third elements occur at either end of the existing structure, separated by small glass bridges.  The new home office spans and helps to screen the not so inviting sunken garage drive, providing a more inviting, wood façade during approach.  The two story master suite at the opposite end consists of a wood and glass bedroom and bath at grade level sitting atop a concrete, basement level plinth containing a substantial dressing room that opens up to the sunken courtyard.


Photography by Joshua McHugh